


State-wise Number of Factories, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Fixed Capital, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Working Capital, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Physical Working Capital, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Productive Capital, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Invested Capital, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Number of Workers, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Total Person Engaged, 2004-05 to 2022-23:


State-wise Number of Employees, 1980-81 to 2022-23:


State-wise Number of Mandays - Employees, 1980-81 to 2022-23:


State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Number of Units:


State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Investments:


State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Production:


State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Employment: