Demographic Profile, 2011 Census:
Rural and Urban Demographic Profile, 2011 Census:
Distribution of Geographical Area, Population, Growth rate, Density, Sex ratio and Literacy rate, Census 2011:
Total Population, Rural Population and Urban Population including Male and Female as per 2011 Census:
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population Break up as per 2011 Census:
Area, Sub-Divisions, Towns, Villages, Blocks, Gaon Panchayats Anchalik Panchayats, Zila Parishad as per Census 2011:
Total Households and Amenities (%) as per Census 2011:
Average Monthly Rainfall, 2018:
Total Area and Classification of Area, 2021-22:
Area under High Yielding Variety of Rice, 2022-23:
Area, Production and Yield of Rice, 2022-23:
Fertilizer Consumption, 2022-23:
Season-wise Consumption of Fertilizer, 2022-23:
Mechanised devices applied in Agriculture and Implemented by Agriculture Engineering wing, 2022-23:
Season-Wise beneficiary under Prime Minister Fasal Bima Yojana, 2022-23:
Beneficiary under Prime Minister Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) (Kharif & Rabi), 2022-23:
Small Tea Growers of Assam Registered with Tea Board of India, 2022-23:
Area, Production and Average Yield of Tea, 2022-23:
Area and Production of Rubber, 2022-23:
Source and Net Irrigated Area, 2021-22:
Source and Gross Irrigated Area, 2021-22:
Season-wise Irrigation of Rice, 2021-22:
Crop-wise Irrigation of Cereal and Millets, 2021-22:
Irrigation of Foodgrains, 2021-22:
Irrigation of Condiments and Spices, Fruits & Vegetables and Oilseeds, 2021-22:
Sector-Wise Irrigation potential created in Assam 2022-23 (cumulative):
Gross Area Irrigated under Govt. Irrigation Facilities, 2022-23:
Length of Irrigation Canals/ Channels Constructed upto 2017-18:
Population of Cattle, 2019:
Population of Buffalo, 2019:
Population of Goat, 2019:
Population of Sheep, 2019:
Population of Pig, 2019:
Veterinary Facilities, 2022-23:
Performance of Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries, 2022-23:
Number and area under Fisheries, 2022-23:
Fish Production, Fish Imported and Registered Fish Markets, 2022-23:
Number of Ornamental Fish Production Units and Commercial Dealers, 2022-23:
Number of Fish Farmers/Fishermen participated in the Training and Awareness Programme on Pisciculture organised under Directorate of Fisheries, 2022-23:
Private Fisheries and Govt. financial assistance received, 2022-23:
Per capita requirement,Consumption and Availability of Fish, 2022-23:
Number of Hatcheries and Fish seed Production, 2022-23:
Industrial Estate, 2022-23:
District-Wise number of Registered MSME Units in Assam, 2022-23 (As on 20-11-2023) [As per UDYAM Portal, GoI]:
Number of Investment in Plant & Machinery and Workers under the Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce, 2018-19:
Area under Food Tree plantation both Government & Private sector for Production of Cocoons, 2022-23:
No. of Sericulture Villages & Families engaged in Sericulture, 2022-23:
Production of Cocoon & Raw Silk, 2022-23:
Statistics of Handloom & Textiles in Assam, 2022-23:
Statistics of Handloom Demonstration Circle & Weaving activity in Assam, 2022-23:
Circle-Wise number of Consumers in Assam, 2020-21 to 2022-23:
Renewable Energy Related Physical Performance of Agriculture Department in Assam, 2021-22 and 2022-23:
Renewable Energy Related Physical Performance of Irrigation Department in Assam, 2021-22 and 2022-23:
Renewable Energy Physical Performance of APDCL during 2022-23:
Number of Villages Electrified, 2016-17 and 2017-18:
District-Wise and Category-Wise Lengths of Roads under P.W.D. in Assam, 2023:
Road Length under Public Works Department (PWD) in Assam, 2023:
District-Wise Length of Roads According to Type under National Highways (N.H.) in Assam, 2022-23:
Length of Roads per Lakh of Population & per 100 Sq. Km. of Geographical Area in Assam, 2023:
District-Wise Habitation Connectivity Status from Phase-I and Works in Progress under PMGSY,2022-23:
Number of Vehicles Registration on Road in Assam upto March' 2023:
Number of New Motor Vehicles Registered in Assam from April' 2022 to March' 2023:
Number of Motor Vehicles Registered (Progressive) in the year 2022-23:
Revenue collection under Commissionerate of Transport, Assam, 2022-23:
Number of Post Offices and Letter Boxes in Assam, 2022-23:
Enrolment and Teachers in Lower Primary Schools, 2022-23:
Enrolment and Teacher in Upper Primary Schools in Assam,2022-23:
Number of Lower Primary and Upper Primary Schools (Govt./Prov. under Deptt. of Elementary Education), 2022-23:
Number of Colleges in Assam as on 2022-23:
Nos of Govt. Provincialised Secondary and Higher Secondary School, 2018-19:
Status of Educational Institute, 2018-19:
Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR), Drop Out and Transition Rate in Assam, 2022-23:
Status of Class-Rooms in Govt./Provincialised Primary & Upper Primary Schools, 2022-23:
Government and Provincialised Primary & Upper Primary Schools Having Various Facilities, 2022-23:
District-Wise Number of Institutions and Teacher in High, Higher Secondary Schools and Junior Colleges (Govt./Provincialised),2022-23:
Enrolment and Number of Teachers in High/ Higher Secondary School, 2018-19:
Enrolment, Teachers and Number of Institutions in HS/ Junior Colleges in 2018-19:
Govt./ Prov. High and Higher Secondary Schools having facilities, 2022-23:
Enrolment in the State Govt. Polytechnic Colleges in Assam for the Session 2023-24:
Number of Institutes, Enrolment and Teachers in Pre. Sr. Madrassas, 2018-19:
Number of Institutes, Enrolment and Teachers in Sr. Madrassas, 2018-19:
Distribution of aggregate deposit & gross Bank credit in Assam, 2022-23:
Number of Functioning Offices of Commercial Banks, 2020:
District and Population Group-wise Number of Functioning Offices of Commercial Banks, 2020:
Number of Reporting Offices, Aggregate Deposit and Bank Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks, 2020:
Type-wise Distribution of Aggregate deposits with Scheduled Commercial Banks, 2020:
Population Group-Wise Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks, March 2020:
Population Group-wise Credit of SCB's, March 2020:
Health Infrastructure Facility, 2019-20:
Health Service Facilities under Govt. Sector, 2022-23:
Medical & Paramedical Personal under Govt. Sector, 2022-23:
Number of Poly Clinic/Nursing Home & Diagnostic Centers, 2022-23:
Number of Beds in Different Type of Govt. Health Institutions in Assam, 2022-23
Birth & Deaths Registered during 2022-23:
Number of Households having Functional Household Tap Connection,2022-23:
Financial Achievement under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), 2022-23
Number of Family Welfare Centres for the year 2018-19:
Family Planning Performance, 2018-19:
Universal Immunization Programme Performance, 2022-23:
Physical Achievement under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), 2022-23:
Financial Performance under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), 2022-23:
Financial Performance under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), 2022-23:
Facilities/Services under NHM, 2023:
Number of Employment Exchanges, 2022:
Employment through Employment Exchanges, 2022:
Self Help Group(SHG) and Village Organisation (VO) under ASRLMS, 2022-23( Achievement):
Information of Revolving Fund (RF) Community investment Fund( CIF) under Day-NRLM, ASRLMS, 2022-23 (Achievement):
Achievement of National Rural Development Livelihood Project, 2018-19:
District-Wise Physical Achievement under MGNREGA , 2022-23:
Job Cards Issued and Employment Provided, 2022-23:
Target, Physical Achievement and Expenditure details under PMAY-G, 2022-23:
Financial Utilisation of ASRLM, 2022-23:
Financial Year Wise Report on Revolving Fund Provided to SHGs under Kanaklata Mahila Sabalikaran Yojana (KAMS), ASRLM 2021-22 AND 2022-23:
Physical Achievements under National Social Assistance Programme, 2022-23:
Financial Achievements under Social Assistance Programme, 2022-23:
Physical & Financial Achievements under Swahid Kushal Konwar Sarbajanin Bridha Pension Achoni, 2022-23:
Physical & Financial Achievement under Indira Miri Universal Widow Pension Scheme , 2022-23:
Financial Performance under PMAY-G and Physical Achievement under National Social Assistance Programme, 2018-19:
Financial Progress under National Social Assistance Programme, 2018-19:
Training Programme Conducted by State Institute for Panchayat and Rural Development (SIPRD), 2022-23:
Training Programme Conducted by Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institute by SIPRD, 2022-23: