


Number of Small Scale Industry Units, Employment and Investment, 2001-02 to 2014-15 and 2017-18:


District-wise Number of Small Scale Industry Units, Employment and Investment, 2017-18:


Number of MSME/ SSI Units & Persons Employed by Type of Industry in Mizoram during 2017-18:


District-wise Performance of Industrial Units under KVIC and Amount of Loans Disbursed in Mizoram, 2017-18:


District-wise Performance of Industrial Units under KVIB and Amount of Loans Disbursed in Mizoram, 2017-18:


Industry-wise Production and Employment of KVIB in Mizoram, 2017-18:


Year wise Number of Small Scale Industry Units Assisted, Amount of GIA disbursed, Number of Handloom Weaving and Handicraft Training Centres, 2001-02 to 2014-15 :


District wise Number of Small Scale Industry Units Assisted, Amount of GIA disbursed, Number of Handloom Weaving and Handicraft Training Centres, 2014-15:


Flow of Investment and Employment Generated under Industries Sector as per the Entrepreneurs Memorandum filed at DICs, 2007-08 to 2015-16:


Bank-wise Achievement report of PMEGP for the year 2015-16 (up to 31st March, 2016):


Industrial areas and their respective status: